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Code Keyword Description Component_Keys
A1 Sally Sally : Mary is her Daughter null
A2 Mary Mary : John is her sister and sally is her mother null
A3 Jane Jane : John is her partner null
A4 John John : Jane is his partner and Sally is his mother and Mary is his sister. Mary is not his partner null
Code Keyword Description Component_Keys
A1 Sally Sally : Mary is her Daughter A2
A2 Mary Mary : John is her sister and sally is her mother A4+A1
A3 Jane Jane : John is her partner A4
A4 John John : Jane is his partner and Sally is his mother and Mary is his sister. Mary is not his partner A3+A1+A2
Code Keyword Description Component_Keys
A1 Sally Sally : Mary is her Daughter A2
A2 Mary Mary : John is her sister and sally is her mother A4+A1
A3 Jane Jane : John is her partner A4
A4 John John : Jane is his partner and Sally is his mother and Mary is his sister. Mary is not his partner A3+A1+A2