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5 rows affected
EmployeeId EmployeeName EmployeeJSON Comments
1 John Doe {
        "EmployeeId": 1,
        "EmployeeName": "John Doe",
        "$Salary": 60000,
        "HireDate": "2020-01-15",
        "Contact Info": {
            "Email": ""
Missing phone, skills, and addresses.
2 Jane Smith {
        "EmployeeId": 2,
        "EmployeeName": "Jane Smith",
        "$Salary": 55000,
        "HireDate": "2021-02-10",
        "Contact Info": {
            "Phone": "555-9876"
        "Skills": ["JavaScript", "HTML", "CSS"],
        "Addresses": [
                "Type": "Home",
                "Street": "789 Elm St",
                "City": "Townsville",
                "State": "TX",
                "PostalCode": "67890"
Missing Email.
3 Michael Johnson {
        "EmployeeId": 3,
        "EmployeeName": "Michael Johnson",
        "$Salary": 75000,
        "HireDate": "2019-06-20",
        "Contact Info": {
            "Email": "",
            "Phone": "555-5555"
        "Skills": ["C#", ".NET", "ASP.NET"],
        "Addresses": [
                "Type": "Home",
                "Street": "456 Oak Ave",
                "City": "Villagetown",
                "State": "FL",
                "PostalCode": "54321"
                "Type": "Work",
                "Street": "789 Office St",
                "City": "Worksville",
                "State": "CA",
                "PostalCode": "12345"
Employee info complete.
4 Emily Brown {
        "EmployeeId": 4,
        "EmployeeName": "Emily Brown",
        "$Salary": 50000,
        "HireDate": "2022-04-05",
        "Contact Info": {
            "Email": "",
            "Phone": "555-8888"
        "Skills": ["Python", "Data Analysis"],
        "Addresses": [
                "Type": "Home",
                "Street": "987 Maple Rd",
                "City": "Mapletown",
                "State": "IL",
                "PostalCode": "45678"
Employee info complete.
5 David Wilson {
        "EmployeeId": 5,
        "EmployeeName": "David Wilson",
        "$Salary": 80000,
        "HireDate": "2020-09-28",
        "Contact Info": {
            "Email": "",
            "Phone": "555-7777"
        "Skills": ["Java", "Spring Framework", "REST APIs"],
        "Addresses": [
                "Type": "Home",
                "Street": "654 Pine Ln",
                "City": "Pinetown",
                "State": "NC",
                "PostalCode": "23456"
                "Type": "Work",
                "Street": "876 Office Ave",
                "City": "Officetown",
                "State": "WA",
                "PostalCode": "34567"
Employee info complete.
EmployeeId EmployeeName Comments Salary DateHired
1 John Doe Missing phone, skills, and addresses. 60000 2020-01-15
2 Jane Smith Missing Email. 55000 2021-02-10
3 Michael Johnson Employee info complete. 75000 2019-06-20
4 Emily Brown Employee info complete. 50000 2022-04-05
5 David Wilson Employee info complete. 80000 2020-09-28
EmployeeId EmployeeName Comments Salary DateHired Email Phone
1 John Doe Missing phone, skills, and addresses. 60000 2020-01-15 null
2 Jane Smith Missing Email. 55000 2021-02-10 null 555-9876
3 Michael Johnson Employee info complete. 75000 2019-06-20 555-5555
4 Emily Brown Employee info complete. 50000 2022-04-05 555-8888
5 David Wilson Employee info complete. 80000 2020-09-28 555-7777
EmployeeId EmployeeName Comments Salary DateHired Email Phone SkillCount SkillList
1 John Doe Missing phone, skills, and addresses. 60000 2020-01-15 null 0 null
3 Michael Johnson Employee info complete. 75000 2019-06-20 555-5555 3 .NET, ASP.NET, C#
5 David Wilson Employee info complete. 80000 2020-09-28 555-7777 3 Java, REST APIs, Spring Framework
2 Jane Smith Missing Email. 55000 2021-02-10 null 555-9876 3 CSS, HTML, JavaScript
4 Emily Brown Employee info complete. 50000 2022-04-05 555-8888 2 Data Analysis, Python
EmployeeId EmployeeName Comments Salary DateHired Email Phone SkillCount SkillList AddressCount AddressList
1 John Doe Missing phone, skills, and addresses. 60000 2020-01-15 null 0 null 0 null
2 Jane Smith Missing Email. 55000 2021-02-10 null 555-9876 3 CSS, HTML, JavaScript 1 Home: 789 Elm St Townsville TX 67890
3 Michael Johnson Employee info complete. 75000 2019-06-20 555-5555 3 .NET, ASP.NET, C# 2 Work: 789 Office Worksville CA 12345 | Home: 456 Oak Av Villagetow FL 54321
4 Emily Brown Employee info complete. 50000 2022-04-05 555-8888 2 Data Analysis, Python 1 Home: 987 Maple Mapletown IL 45678
5 David Wilson Employee info complete. 80000 2020-09-28 555-7777 3 Java, REST APIs, Spring Framework 2 Work: 876 Office Officetown WA 34567 | Home: 654 Pine L Pinetown NC 23456