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4 rows affected
id name quantity delivery status
1 Omer 124 2022-10-18 00:00:00.000 0
2 Jacob 548 2022-11-05 00:00:00.000 0
4 Hans 548 2023-11-01 00:00:00.000 0
(No column name)
Hello, Omer todays order quantity 124 this order must be sent by the latest 18.10.2022.
Hello, Jacob todays order quantity 548 this order must be sent by the latest 05.11.2022.
Hello, Hans todays order quantity 548 this order must be sent by the latest 01.11.2023.
Hello, {{name}} todays order quantity {{quantity}} this order must be sent by the latest {{delivery}}.

Hello, {{name}} todays order quantity {{quantity}} this order must be sent by the latest {{delivery}}.
select name,quantity,format(delivery,'dd.MM.yyy') as [delivery] from message where status=0

(No column name)