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8 rows affected
rn a
1 |3|3| some stuff here
2 |SE + 18.5D some other stuff
3 |54|45| yet more stuff
4 |32|23| yet more |78|78| stuff
5 |This is more text |11|111|22222||| and stuff |||||||
6 This is more text |11|111|22222||| and stuff |||||||
7 |text|123|456|
8 |1 2|3 6|Brokayn|
rn a b c
1 |3|3| some stuff here 3 3
2 |SE + 18.5D some other stuff null null
3 |54|45| yet more stuff 54 45
4 |32|23| yet more |78|78| stuff 32 23
5 |This is more text |11|111|22222||| and stuff ||||||| null null
6 This is more text |11|111|22222||| and stuff ||||||| null null
7 |text|123|456| null null
8 |1 2|3 6|Brokayn| null null