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Help with an interesting Postgres question: Why isn't an Index Only Scan used on a partition accessed via the parent table?.
12 rows affected
5 rows affected
id employee_id activity_type created_at
1 1 1 2020-11-18 07:10:25+00
2 2 1 2020-11-18 07:30:25+00
3 3 1 2020-11-18 07:50:25+00
4 2 2 2020-11-18 19:10:25+00
5 3 2 2020-11-18 19:22:38+00
6 1 2 2020-11-18 20:01:05+00
7 1 1 2020-11-19 07:11:23+00
8 1 2 2020-11-19 16:21:53+00
9 1 1 2020-11-19 19:11:23+00
10 1 2 2020-11-19 20:21:53+00
11 1 1 2020-11-20 07:41:38+00
12 1 2 2020-11-20 08:52:01+00
id name division_id
1 John 1
2 Amber 2
3 Mike 1
4 Jimmy 1
5 Kathy 2
created_date id name division_id rows min_time_in max_time_out check_ins check_outs
2020-11-19 08:00:00 1 John 1 {8,9,10} 2020-11-19 19:11:23+00 2020-11-19 20:21:53+00 {NULL,"2020-11-19 19:11:23+00",NULL} {"2020-11-19 16:21:53+00",NULL,"2020-11-19 20:21:53+00"}