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Help with an interesting Postgres question: Why isn't an Index Only Scan used on a partition accessed via the parent table?.
3 rows affected
clusterid owner data
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2 Bob null
3 Wolf null
?column? ?column? jsonb_set
t [{"Type": "New Instance", "id_no": "f6b2197c4889", "Status": "Active", "created": "2020-02-03"}, {"Type": "New Instance", "id_no": "216430036272", "Status": "Failed", "created": "2020-02-04"}, {"Type": "New Instance", "id_no": "3bb515f781c6", "Status": "Active", "created": "2020-02-04"}, {"Type": "New Instance", "id_no": "26ae740e9b21", "Status": "Active", "created": "2020-02-04"}, {"Type": "New Instance", "id_no": "7e30a80211a2", "Status": "Active", "created": "2020-02-04"}] {"certified": "foo", "in_common": [{"name": "Kodali", "owner": "Jet"}, {"name": "Lakers", "owner": "Fantastic"}]}
1 rows affected
clusterid owner data
2 Bob null
3 Wolf null
1 Jacky {"certified": [{"Type": "New Instance", "id_no": "f6b2197c4889", "Status": "Active", "created": "2020-02-03"}, {"Type": "New Instance", "id_no": "3bb515f781c6", "Status": "Active", "created": "2020-02-04"}, {"Type": "New Instance", "id_no": "26ae740e9b21", "Status": "Active", "created": "2020-02-04"}, {"Type": "New Instance", "id_no": "7e30a80211a2", "Status": "Active", "created": "2020-02-04"}, {"Type": "New Instance", "id_no": "216430036272", "Status": "Active", "created": "2020-02-04"}], "in_common": [{"name": "Kodali", "owner": "Jet"}, {"name": "Lakers", "owner": "Fantastic"}]}