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Help with an interesting Postgres question: Why isn't an Index Only Scan used on a partition accessed via the parent table?.
3 rows affected
01.00 01.12
01.00 01.15
c_ md5
01.00 01.12 335dca42dedecedc19ba65065a7777ec
01.00^01.13 4e1661df191eb006274be5552a998280
01.00 01.15 c1197d14549263a867fd9850f42b68b1
c_ sha256
01.00 01.12 \xa367f00f2ecd669aaf2241d22db5a794a862f8f375100e02460221a3b4fc6e99
01.00 01.15 \xa8a2796734c97616e35630d3ed60cddbeafc7846b6fdecc1d503fe02066df453
01.00^01.13 \xb913bc75e6d9541471f07c01ca43ac7238fff28cfac6bf6750f41863ed129386