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<?xml version="1.0"?><ROWSET><ROW><PERSON_NUMBER>1000142</PERSON_NUMBER><LOAN_1>25000</LOAN_1></ROW><ROW><PERSON_NUMBER>1000142</PERSON_NUMBER><LOAN_1>25000</LOAN_1></ROW></ROWSET>
ORA-19114: XPST0003 - error during parsing the XQuery expression: 
LPX-00801: XQuery syntax error at 'j'
5              return delete node $i, node $j
-                                           ^
ORA-19114: XPST0003 - error during parsing the XQuery expression: 
LPX-00801: XQuery syntax error at 'delete'
6              return delete node $j
-                     ^
ORA-19114: XPST0003 - error during parsing the XQuery expression: 
LPX-00801: XQuery syntax error at 'modify'
6            modify (
-            ^