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DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tenant_category_transaction_view;

CREATE TABLE tenant_category_transaction_view (
id int primary key
, idParentCategory int
, sumSubtotal int

INSERT INTO tenant_category_transaction_view VALUES
( 1 ,null ,9800)
,( 4 ,null ,20 )
,( 5 ,4 ,30 )
,( 6 ,5 ,40 )
Records: 4  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
with recursive cte (root_id, id, sumSubtotal) as
select null
union all
select id
from tenant_category_transaction_view as tctv
union all
select cte.root_id
from cte
join tenant_category_transaction_view as tctv
on tctv.idParentCategory <=>
select root_id
,sum(sumSubtotal) as sumSubtotal
from cte
group by root_id
root_id sumSubtotal
null 9890
1 9800
4 90
5 70
6 40