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create table reviews as
select 1 as r_id, 'Weight cannot exceed 40 kg' as comm from dual union all
select 2 as r_id, 'You must not make the weight go over 31 k.g' as comm from dual union all
select 3 as r_id, 'Don''t excel above 94kg' as comm from dual union all
select 4 as r_id, 'Optimal weight is 45 kg' as comm from dual union all
select 5 as r_id, 'Don''t excel above 62 kg' as comm from dual union all
select 6 as r_id, 'Weight cannot exceed 7000g' as comm from dual
6 rows affected
select r.*, regexp_substr(comm, '[0-9]+')
from reviews r
where regexp_like(comm, '(exceed|go over|above).*[0-9]+ ?(kg|k.g)')
1 Weight cannot exceed 40 kg 40
2 You must not make the weight go over 31 k.g 31
3 Don't excel above 94kg 94
5 Don't excel above 62 kg 62