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Help with an interesting Postgres question: Why isn't an Index Only Scan used on a partition accessed via the parent table?.
2 rows affected
3 rows affected
id | vorname | nachname | person_json |
1 | Karl Heinz | Grabowsky | {"id": 1, "vorname": "Karl Heinz", "adressen": [{"id": 1, "plz": "55801", "land": "Deutschland", "hausnr": "51", "strasse": "Soester Weg", "wohnort": "Bad Salzuflen", "person_id": 1}, {"id": 2, "plz": "15098", "land": "Deutschland", "hausnr": "54b", "strasse": "Ackerstraße", "wohnort": "Emsbueren", "person_id": 1}], "nachname": "Grabowsky"} |
2 | Peter | Lustig | {"id": 2, "vorname": "Peter", "adressen": [{"id": 3, "plz": "12345", "land": "Deutschland", "hausnr": "1a", "strasse": "Bauwagen", "wohnort": "Im Wald", "person_id": 2}], "nachname": "Lustig"} |