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DECLARE @json nvarchar(max)=
'{"data":[{"id":34541863,"name":"\"A\" Cell Breeding Device","type":"Spell Card","desc":"During each of your Standby Phases, put 1 A-Counter on 1 face-up monster your opponent controls.","race":"Continuous","archetype":"Alien","card_sets":[{"set_name":"Force of the Breaker","set_code":"FOTB-EN043","set_rarity":"Common","set_rarity_code":"(C)","set_price":"1.58"}],"card_images":[{"id":34541863,"image_url":"","image_url_small":""}],"card_prices":[{"cardmarket_price":"0.12","tcgplayer_price":"0.18","ebay_price":"4.99","amazon_price":"24.45","coolstuffinc_price":"0.25"}]},{"id":64163367,"name":"\"A\" Cell Incubator","type":"Spell Card","desc":"Each time an A-Counter(s) is removed from play by a card effect, place 1 A-Counter on this card. When this card is destroyed, distribute the A-Counters on this card among face-up monsters.","race":"Continuous","archetype":"Alien","card_sets":[{"set_name":"Gladiator''s Assault","set_code":"GLAS-EN062","set_rarity":"Common","set_rarity_code":"(C)","set_price":"1.61"}],"card_images":[{"id":64163367,"image_url":"","image_url_small":""}],"card_prices":[{"cardmarket_price":"0.12","tcgplayer_price":"0.20","ebay_price":"1.15","amazon_price":"0.50","coolstuffinc_price":"0.25"}]},{"id":91231901,"name":"\"A\" Cell Recombination Device","type":"Spell Card","desc":"Target 1 face-up monster on the field; send 1 \"Alien\" monster from your Deck to the Graveyard, and if you do, place A-Counters on that monster equal to the Level of the sent monster. During your Main Phase, except the turn this card was sent to the Graveyard: You can banish this card from your Graveyard; add 1 \"Alien\" monster from your Deck to your hand.","race":"Quick-Play","archetype":"Alien","card_sets":[{"set_name":"Invasion: Vengeance","set_code":"INOV-EN063","set_rarity":"Common","set_rarity_code":"(C)","set_price":"1.07"}],"card_images":[{"id":91231901,"image_url":"https://storage.googleapis

INTO #cards
FROM OPENJSON(@json, '$.data')
[id] int
, [name] nvarchar(1000)
, [type] nvarchar(1000)
, [desc] nvarchar(1000)
, [race] nvarchar(1000)
, [archetype] nvarchar(1000)
, [atk] nvarchar(1000)
, [def] nvarchar(1000)
, [ban_tcg] nvarchar(1000)
, [ban_ocg] nvarchar(1000)
, [ban_goat] nvarchar(1000)
, [level] nvarchar(1000)
, [attribute] nvarchar(1000)
, [linkval] nvarchar(1000)
) c;
SELECT card_id,
INTO #sets
FROM OPENJSON(@json, '$.data')
[id] int,
card_sets nvarchar(max) AS JSON
) c
set_name nvarchar(100),
id name type desc race archetype atk def ban_tcg ban_ocg ban_goat level attribute linkval
34541863 "A" Cell Breeding Device Spell Card During each of your Standby Phases, put 1 A-Counter on 1 face-up monster your opponent controls. Continuous Alien null null null null null null null null
64163367 "A" Cell Incubator Spell Card Each time an A-Counter(s) is removed from play by a card effect, place 1 A-Counter on this card. When this card is destroyed, distribute the A-Counters on this card among face-up monsters. Continuous Alien null null null null null null null null
91231901 "A" Cell Recombination Device Spell Card Target 1 face-up monster on the field; send 1 "Alien" monster from your Deck to the Graveyard, and if you do, place A-Counters on that monster equal to the Level of the sent monster. During your Main Phase, except the turn this card was sent to the Graveyard: You can banish this card from your Graveyard; add 1 "Alien" monster from your Deck to your hand. Quick-Play Alien null null null null null null null null
73262676 "A" Cell Scatter Burst Spell Card Select 1 face-up "Alien" monster you control. Destroy it and distribute new A-Counters equal to its Level among your opponent's face-up monsters. Quick-Play Alien null null null null null null null null
37478723 "Infernoble Arms - Durendal" Spell Card While this card is equipped to a monster: You can add 1 Level 5 or lower FIRE Warrior monster from your Deck to your hand, then destroy this card. If this card is sent to the GY because the equipped monster is sent to the GY: You can target 1 Level 5 or lower FIRE Warrior monster in your GY; Special Summon it, also you cannot Special Summon monsters for the rest of the turn, except Warrior monsters. You can only use 1 ""Infernoble Arms - Durendal"" effect per turn, and only once that turn. Equip Noble Knight null null null null null null null null
64867422 "Infernoble Arms - Hauteclere" Spell Card While this card is equipped to a monster: You can target 1 face-up monster you control; this turn, you cannot declare attacks, except with that monster, also it gains the ability this turn to make a second attack during each Battle Phase, then destroy this card. If this card is sent to the GY because the equipped monster is sent to the GY: You can target 1 face-up monster on the field; destroy it. You can only use 1 ""Infernoble Arms - Hauteclere"" effect per turn, and only once that turn. Equip Noble Knight null null null null null null null null
90861137 "Infernoble Arms - Joyeuse" Spell Card While this card is equipped to a monster: You can target 1 FIRE Warrior monster in your GY; add it to your hand, then destroy this card. If this card is sent to the GY because the equipped monster is sent to the GY: You can Special Summon 1 FIRE Warrior monster from your hand. You can only use 1 ""Infernoble Arms - Joyeuse"" effect per turn, and only once that turn. Equip Noble Knight null null null null null null null null
44256816 1st Movement Solo Spell Card If you control no monsters: Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower "Melodious" monster from your hand or Deck. You can only activate 1 "1st Movement Solo" per turn. You cannot Special Summon monsters during the turn you activate this card, except "Melodious" monsters. Normal Melodious null null null null null null null null
86988864 3-Hump Lacooda Effect Monster If there are 3 face-up "3-Hump Lacooda" cards on your side of the field, Tribute 2 of them to draw 3 cards. Beast null 500 1500 null null null 3 EARTH null
11714098 30,000-Year White Turtle Normal Monster A huge turtle that has existed for more than 30,000 years. Aqua null 1250 2100 null null null 5 WATER null
83994646 4-Starred Ladybug of Doom Flip Effect Monster FLIP: Destroy all Level 4 monsters your opponent controls. Insect null 800 1200 null null null 3 WIND null
67048711 7 Spell Card When there are 3 face-up "7" cards on your side of the field, draw 3 cards from your Deck. Then destroy all "7" cards. When this card is sent directly from the field to your Graveyard, increase your Life Points by 700 points. Continuous null null null null null null null null null
23771716 7 Colored Fish Normal Monster A rare rainbow fish that has never been caught by mortal man. Fish null 1800 800 null null null 4 WATER null
86198326 7 Completed Spell Card Activate this card by choosing ATK or DEF; equip only to a Machine monster. It gains 700 ATK or DEF, depending on the choice. Equip null null null null null null null null null
14261867 8-Claws Scorpion Effect Monster Once per turn, you can flip this card into face-down Defense Position. When this card attacks an opponent's face-down Defense Position monster, this card's ATK becomes 2400 during damage calculation only. Insect null 300 200 null null null 2 DARK null
24140059 A Cat of Ill Omen Flip Effect Monster FLIP: Choose 1 Trap from your Deck and place it on top of your Deck, or, if "Necrovalley" is on the field, you can add that Trap to your hand instead. Beast null 500 300 null null null 2 DARK null
6850209 A Deal with Dark Ruler Spell Card (This card is always treated as an "Archfiend" card.)
If a Level 8 or higher monster under your control was sent to the Graveyard this turn: Special Summon 1 "Berserk Dragon" from your hand or Deck.
Quick-Play Archfiend null null null null null null null null
card_id set_name set_code set_rarity set_rarity_code
34541863 Force of the Breaker FOTB-EN043 Common (C)
64163367 Gladiator's Assault GLAS-EN062 Common (C)
91231901 Invasion: Vengeance INOV-EN063 Common (C)
73262676 Strike of Neos STON-EN041 Common (C)
37478723 2021 Tin of Ancient Battles MP21-EN136 Super Rare (SR)
37478723 Rise of the Duelist ROTD-EN053 Ultra Rare (UR)
64867422 2021 Tin of Ancient Battles MP21-EN137 Super Rare (SR)
64867422 Rise of the Duelist ROTD-EN054 Common (C)
90861137 2021 Tin of Ancient Battles MP21-EN138 Super Rare (SR)
90861137 Rise of the Duelist ROTD-EN055 Super Rare (SR)
44256816 2015 Mega-Tin Mega Pack MP15-EN169 Super Rare (SR)
44256816 The New Challengers NECH-EN059 Super Rare (SR)
44256816 The New Challengers: Super Edition NECH-ENS10 Super Rare (SR)
86988864 Ancient Sanctuary AST-070 Common (C)
86988864 Dark Revelation Volume 2 DR2-EN183 Common (C)
83994646 Dark Beginning 1 DB1-EN198 Common (C)
83994646 Pharaoh's Servant PSV-088 Common (C)
83994646 Pharaoh's Servant PSV-E088 Common (C)
83994646 Pharaoh's Servant PSV-EN088 Common (C)
83994646 Retro Pack 2 RP02-EN022 Common (C)
83994646 Starter Deck: Yugi Reloaded YSYR-EN010 Common (C)
67048711 Ancient Sanctuary AST-091 Short Print (SP)
67048711 Dark Revelation Volume 2 DR2-EN204 Common (C)
23771716 Gold Series GLD1-EN001 Common (C)
23771716 Metal Raiders MRD-098 Common (C)
23771716 Metal Raiders MRD-E098 Common (C)
23771716 Metal Raiders MRD-EN098 Common (C)
23771716 Starter Deck: Joey SDJ-008 Common (C)
23771716 Structure Deck: Fury from the Deep SD4-EN002 Common (C)
86198326 Battle Pack 3: Monster League BP03-EN135 Common (C)
86198326 Battle Pack 3: Monster League BP03-EN135 Shatterfoil Rare (SHR)
86198326 Duel Terminal 2 DT02-EN038 Duel Terminal Normal Parallel Rare (DNPR)
86198326 Pharaoh's Servant PSV-004 Common (C)
86198326 Pharaoh's Servant PSV-E004 Common (C)
86198326 Pharaoh's Servant PSV-EN004 Common (C)
86198326 Speed Duel: Scars of Battle SBSC-EN029 Common (C)
14261867 Gold Series GLD1-EN007 Common (C)
14261867 Pharaonic Guardian PGD-024 Common (C)
24140059 Dark Revelation Volume 1 DR1-EN018 Common (C)
24140059 Pharaonic Guardian PGD-070 Common (C)
24140059 Speed Duel Starter Decks: Destiny Masters SS01-ENB11 Common (C)
6850209 Dark Crisis DCR-030 Common (C)
6850209 Dark Crisis DCR-EN030 Common (C)
6850209 Dark Revelation Volume 1 DR1-EN192 Common (C)
6850209 Legendary Collection 4: Joey's World Mega Pack LCJW-EN241 Rare (R)