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10000 rows affected
id string characters translations newString
1 abc abc bcd bcd
2 abc abc bc bc
3 abc aba bab bac
4 abc aba bad bac
5 abc ab bad ba
Msg 137 Level 15 State 2 Line 83
Must declare the scalar variable "@from_chars".
Msg 4121 Level 16 State 1 Line 1
Cannot find either column "dbo" or the user-defined function or aggregate "dbo.Translate", or the name is ambiguous.
Msg 9828 Level 16 State 3 Line 1
The second and third arguments of the TRANSLATE built-in function must contain an equal number of characters.
Msg 4121 Level 16 State 1 Line 1
Cannot find either column "dbo" or the user-defined function or aggregate "dbo.translate", or the name is ambiguous.
Msg 9828 Level 16 State 3 Line 1
The second and third arguments of the TRANSLATE built-in function must contain an equal number of characters.
Msg 4121 Level 16 State 1 Line 1
Cannot find either column "dbo" or the user-defined function or aggregate "dbo.translate", or the name is ambiguous.