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Help with an interesting Postgres question: Why isn't an Index Only Scan used on a partition accessed via the parent table?.
1000000 rows affected
Unique (cost=0.42..62319.65 rows=101 width=20) (actual time=0.175..13397.064 rows=101 loops=1)
  -> Index Scan using station_id__submitted_at on station_logs (cost=0.42..59819.65 rows=1000000 width=20) (actual time=0.173..13099.542 rows=1000000 loops=1)
Planning time: 1.427 ms
Execution time: 13397.945 ms
Nested Loop (cost=22354.43..23205.98 rows=1 width=40) (actual time=291.951..293.356 rows=101 loops=1)
  Output: t.station_id, t.submitted_at,, l.station_id, l.submitted_at, l.level_sensor
  CTE t
    -> HashAggregate (cost=22353.00..22354.01 rows=101 width=12) (actual time=291.840..291.894 rows=101 loops=1)
          Output: station_logs.station_id, max(station_logs.submitted_at)
          Group Key: station_logs.station_id
          -> Seq Scan on public.station_logs (cost=0.00..17353.00 rows=1000000 width=12) (actual time=0.029..101.083 rows=1000000 loops=1)
                Output:, station_logs.station_id, station_logs.submitted_at, station_logs.level_sensor
  -> CTE Scan on t (cost=0.00..2.02 rows=101 width=12) (actual time=291.845..291.941 rows=101 loops=1)
        Output: t.station_id, t.submitted_at
  -> Index Scan using idx_station_logs__submitted_at on public.station_logs l (cost=0.42..8.41 rows=1 width=28) (actual time=0.013..0.013 rows=1 loops=101)
        Output:, l.station_id, l.submitted_at, l.level_sensor
        Index Cond: (l.submitted_at = t.submitted_at)
        Filter: (t.station_id = l.station_id)
Planning time: 1.738 ms
Execution time: 294.222 ms