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Help with an interesting Postgres question: Why isn't an Index Only Scan used on a partition accessed via the parent table?.
1 rows affected
id name loops id_linked_block
fff6f74e-0ee4-4c70-9cf8-f1f27e5f4391 Reset 123 b71c0f05-00b5-4086-a1e8-574094565986
f8c6b3a5-0491-4969-bab7-3cf606217e67 Switch_1 null 1b5e0458-a383-468d-ab44-1468d783aab0
80ffd8c7-90c2-4b99-bc3c-bffa37827784 1234 null c889b9b9-a5f6-4388-8d87-8fff6734bcbc